Parents of Hocking Hawks

Choosing a college is a big decision, one that usually involves the whole family.

At Hocking College, your student's future is our top priority. Beginning with student orientation and extending all the way through commencement, our faculty and staff strive to help students get the most from their college experience and prepare them for their future careers in a variety of professions. 

Parents, family members, and guardians play an important role in helping us achieve that goal for our students. 

We invite you to learn more about services offered at Hocking College and to reach out if we can help along the way.

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Stay Connected by Subscribing to the Hocking Herald Newsletter

Our weekly newsletter features news around campus, program announcements, athletic updates, and upcoming campus events. 

Learn more about student life at Hocking College here.

First Year Parents

A student’s first year at college is a time of tremendous growth and development.  The successes of this first year are the building blocks for a student’s time at Hocking College.  Family support during this critical transition year is essential for the creation of a sound foundation for learning. 

Hocking College offers many resources, programs, and information for first year students and families to assist in the creation of this success.  From QuickStart to SMART Start to the Pathway to Prosperity program, we hope students and families will utilize the available resources for student growth.     

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 Getting Started

From applying to Hocking College, to securing your financial aid, ONE STOP Enrollment is a convenient, all-in-one location where students and parents can do everything they need to do to enroll at Hocking College.

Hocking College offers more than 50 hands-on programs, with a wide variety of career options. Students are encouraged to visit campus and complete our free, online application that only takes about 15 minutes.

Campus visits consist of a 45-minute group information session led by an admissions professional, along with a walking tour led by a current student or staff member.

Helpful Links:

Hocking College Campus Safety operates 24/7, 365 days a year. HCCS has primary jurisdiction on all Hocking College properties, including the Logan, Perry, and Lake Snowden campuses. They also provide mutual aid for the City of Nelsonville and routinely respond to calls for assistance within the City.

If an emergency situation occurs, please contact Dispatch at 740-753-6598 immediately. In the event of an emergency on campus, HCCS utilizes a texting alert system known as NIXLE to communicate important messages quickly. Parents and students are encouraged to opt into these communications through the NIXLE website.

Some of our frequently asked questions about Campus Safety are listed at the bottom of this webpage.

Helpful Links:

The Financial Aid Team is available to assist you and your student with developing a plan to cover your educational costs to attend Hocking College.  Let our team of experts guide you through the financial aid process and help your student to be ‘Seat Ready’ before the start of the semester.

Helpful Links:

As the only two-year college in Ohio to offer college-owned residence halls, Hocking College is excited to offer you a unique experience. 

Residential students are required to purchase a meal plan for each semester they are attending the college. Non-residential students are also welcome to purchase meal plans.

Helpful Links:

The Registrar’s Office is the central location for all student academic records.  We can assist with a variety of items such as changing your information in our records, residency appeals, transcript evaluations, registration questions and so much more.  

Helpful links:

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) limits sharing of data pertaining to a student to only those individuals that the student has given the school permission to share certain information. This can include status of grades, a students' academic performance, or the details of a financial issues.

Understanding that you are a concerned parent, we encourage you to speak with your child about completing the FERPA form to ensure that you are indicated as a person whom the school can communicate details of the student's situation.

Please note: Your student's signature on this form will need to be notarized or signed with a Hocking College Employee as a witness prior to submission.

Resources During Your Student's Time at Hocking College

Below is a list of offices and programs that Hocking College offers to help you get a better idea of how we can serve you and your student once they become a student.

Support Resources

The Academic Success Center’s mission is to support and guide students on their journey to a successful career. It serves as Hocking College’s hub for academic support.

The Academic Success Center is located on the first floor of Davidson Hall, and includes the Accessibility Resources Office, Library, Tutoring, and TRiO.

The Accessibility Resources Office of Disabilities Services located in Davidson Hall 114 is dedicated to serving the various needs of individuals with disabilities and is committed to promoting their full participation in college life. Accessibility Resources services are provided to students with permanent, chronic or temporary conditions.


In conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as revised, Hocking College (HC) will make reasonable modifications to its practices and will provide certain individualized services and accommodations as needed to assure nondiscrimination on the basis of disability. Students or applicants for admission who would like to request disability-related services and accommodations should meet with the Accessibility Resources staff. As part of the application process, AR will require documentation of the disability.


Eligibility will be determined on the basis of the presence of a disability and a need for services and accommodations to support an equal educational opportunity. Information from the disability documentation, the student’s stated experience with past services and accommodations and the professional judgment of the Accessibility Resources office will determine eligibility. 


All documentation of disability submitted to the Accessibility Resources office will be held in strict confidence. No information about the student’s disability will be revealed to any member of HC faculty or staff or any other person, including parents or guardians, without the expressed written consent of the student. 


Students requesting services should contact the Accessibility Resources office before registering for classes. It is strongly recommended that those who would like to utilize the services and accommodations not delay in contacting AR. Timeliness is important because accommodations cannot be given retroactively.


Establishing reasonable accommodations must be done on a case-by-case basis. The accommodation process should be one of collaboration between student and instructor with support from the Accessibility Resources Office. The AR staff and the student work together to identify individual needs and then determine which of the support services and accommodations listed below would enable the student to achieve his/her academic potential. Following are some of the strategies used by Accessibility Resources to assist students with disabilities:

  • Being readily available to students with disabilities to assist with instructional and supportive needs
  • Working with instructors, administrators, counseling personnel, and each student to assist with the identified needs and welfare of the student
  • Providing advising and scheduling to ensure classes and times meet the needs of students with disabilities
  • Acting as a liaison with community agencies
  • Providing commonly approved accommodations such as: extended time for test taking, reader/scribe/separate room for testing, alternate format for textbooks/materials, recording of lectures, note taking assistance, use of assistive technology

Hocking College Campus Safety operates 24/7, 365 days a year. HCCS has primary jurisdiction on all Hocking College properties, including the Logan, Perry, and Lake Snowden campuses. They also provide mutual aid for the City of Nelsonville and routinely respond to calls for assistance within the City.

If an emergency situation occurs, please contact Dispatch at 740-753-6598 immediately. In the event of an emergency on campus, HCCS utilizes a texting alert system known as NIXLE to communicate important messages quickly. Parents and students are encouraged to opt into these communications through the NIXLE website.

Some of our frequently asked questions about Campus Safety are listed at the bottom of this webpage.

Helpful Links:

Hocking College is proud to offer the Hocking College App, available in both Android and iOS App Stores.

This app can provide students and support members with instant access to Financial Aid, announcements, notifications, emergency phone numbers, Hocking College social media, and much more!

Additionally, the IT Helpdesk handles service requests, system logins, and inquiries from faculty, staff, and students regarding computer hardware, software, Internet connectivity, and related topics. 

Hocking College is proud to offer the Hawks Center for Well-Being as a service to our students and staff.

Specific services include:

  • Physicals
  • Immunizations
  • Drug Screens
  • Basic Medical Care
  • Counseling Services
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Counseling Referrals

Walks-ins are served on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

The Hawks Wellness Center will be located in John Light Hall on the Nelsonville campus in room 241. 

Genesis Medical Group will be available for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 10 AM - 2 PM.

Hopewell Counseling Services will be available 7 days a week. Hours will be Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM, and Saturday 10 AM - 2 PM.

To learn more about these services, visit us online here.

Hocking College Library is located within the Academic Success Center.  The Library provides print and electronic resources in support of academic scholarship and coordinates peer tutoring services for the College. Services include space for individual and group study, publicly-accessible computers, closed reserve textbooks, printing, copying, and fax services.

The Library is a member of OhioLINK, the State of Ohio’s academic library consortium.

The Hocking College Office of Student Conduct is a resource center for all members of the Hocking College community to ensure that community standards are upheld and to educate students, faculty, and staff on the importance and role of social responsibility in the educational process.

Delivery of this task complete through the administration of the Student Code of Conduct. The college expects that all student adhere to the expectations set forth in this document and hold each other accountable for their role in ensuring a healthy, learning-centered environment.

To learn more, click here.

The Testing Center is located on the first floor of Davidson Hall in Room 108.  It provides services including a proctored testing environment, placement testing, and standardized tests such as HESI, TEAS, and Castle.

Hocking College provides free tutoring for all students.  Peer tutoring is offered for many different subjects, and is coordinated through the Library and Academic Success Center.  Educational specialists, professional tutors with a wide range of knowledge and expertise, are also available in DVD 113.

Hocking College offers online tutoring services through the Ohio eTutoring collaborative.

The mission of the Trio Student Support Services program at Hocking College is to provide student-centered support, thus increasing persistence, retention, and graduation rates to individuals who are first-generation and/or low-income and who might not otherwise have the opportunity or personal support to complete post-secondary education.

We offer tutoring in addition to the Hocking College tutoring program, assistance with advising and information, course selection, scheduling, financial aid applications and resources and a super supportive learning environment. We are located in the Academic Success Center in Davidson Hall. 

Get Involved

Home to some of Ohio's most breathtaking cliffs, waterfalls, caves and gorges, Hocking Hills offers a variety of activities for nature-lovers, foodies, history buffs, and more!

Below are links to various activities and places that you can visit when visiting Hocking College.

Helpful Links:

The mission of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics at Hocking College is to provide opportunities for participation in intercollegiate athletics in an environment that encourages the achievement of athletic excellence and good sportsmanship. 

Helpful Links:

It’s not enough to get a degree, students attend Hocking College for a career.  The time to start in a career is now. The Career and University Center can help students:

  • Write resumes
  • Find employment through the job board
  • Secure interviews, and hone the skills needed to receive multiple offers

Other Helpful Resources:

The Hocking College Student Center is open to our students and staff daily during normal session throughout the year. Promoting a healthy lifestyle through exercise for all levels of fitness, Hocking College offers a number of group fitness and personal training courses to students at great prices.

Student events are held here for student’s recreational and educational pleasure. Examples of these events include:

Resources For After College

Just because your Hawk has graduated or moved on, doesn't mean they can't reap the benefits of being a Hocking College graduate for life. 

Click below to learn more about the resources we provide for our students once they leave the Hocking College nest.

Graduated?  Still looking for a job?  Hocking College is always your career center.  Let us help you!

The Career and University Center can help former students:

  • Write resumes
  • Find employment through the job board
  • Secure interviews, and hone the skills needed to receive multiple offers

Other Helpful Resources:

The Financial Aid Team is available to assist you and your student with developing a plan to cover your educational costs to attend Hocking College.  Let our team of experts guide you through the financial aid process and help your student to be ‘Seat Ready’ before the start of the semester.

Helpful Links:

Ordering an official Hocking College transcript is easy.  All transcript requests are handled online through The National Student Clearinghouse.  The cost for each transcript is $7.25.

In order to receive an official transcript from Hocking College, your bill must be paid in full with the Cashiers Office.

For more information, please reference this webpage.

The mission of the Hocking College Foundation is to promote awareness, build and nurture meaningful relationships and connect community partners with giving opportunities that fulfill their philanthropic objectives while advancing the mission of Hocking College.

Hocking College provides students with the foundation and experiences they need to successfully enter the workforce or transfer to a four-year university. Transfer admission is guaranteed to any public four-year university in Ohio for in-state residents who have earned an associate degree from Hocking!

That's why our articulation agreements are designed with our students and their families in mind. Students who complete our 2+2 programs save an average of $28,000.

Helpful Links:



Frequently Asked Questions

Tutoring is free to all Hocking College Students.
E-tutoring is provided by the state of Ohio for several subjects, including Math, English, Anatomy & Physiology and Psychology.  Schedules for e-tutoring can be found on the Academic Success Center website under the appropriate tutoring schedule.

If a student is Pell eligible and/or a first-generation college student (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree), then he/she can apply for the program. Degree-seeking students (those planning to complete a degree at Hocking College) who have some academic need and yet are capable of obtaining a degree with assistance are eligible to participate in the program. Students may be admitted upon completing an Intake process and being determined as eligible and appropriate to participate by the Director of the program.

No. Once you graduate from high school, your high school special education program and accommodations end. However, you may request accommodations at the college level.  Please contact Accessibility Resources at (740) 753-7103 for more information.  

Accessibility Services may be able to help you. Please call us at (740) 753-7103 to set up an appointment. We can discuss your difficulties and assist you in using our program or other campus and community resources.

Students with disabilities are not required to register with Accessibility Resources.  However, students with disabilities are encouraged to meet with Accessibility Resources to discuss the need for accommodations. Even if students believes that they will not need accommodations, it may be to their advantage to discuss the options and arrange for approval for accommodations should they need them at a later time. However, the decision is with the student about whether or not to self-identify as a student with a disability.

Students need to provide current documentation, from a qualified professional that names the disability, describes the functional limitations of that disability, and includes recommendations for accommodations in the college setting.

Accommodations are intended to level the playing field by removing barriers posed by a disability. Appropriate accommodations must be determined based on a student's disability, documentation, and individual needs and must not lower or substantially modify essential course requirements.

The most commonly approved test accommodations include:

  • Extended testing time
  • Tests administered in a distraction-reduced setting
  • Test questions read aloud
  • Use of word processors for essay questions

Academic accommodations may include:

  • Assistance with note-taking
  • Textbooks in alternative format/Assistive technology
  • Accommodated or preferential seating
  • Recording of lectures
  • Sign language interpreters

Accommodations provided are based on each student's unique needs.


Our dispatchers are trained to ask questions.  When you call, you should expect to be asked for more information.  It is the job of the dispatcher to get as much information to the responding officer as possible.  The safety of our officers, in many instances, depends on this. The more information you can provide, the better our response and the safety of our officers.

Some questions Dispatch may ask include:

  • Does the suspect have a weapon?
  • What is the suspect wearing?
  • Did he have facial hair?
  • Is he still there?  
  • What was his direction of travel?
  • Did they leave in a vehicle?  Description of the vehicle?
  • What did he say?

Our department is made up of 13 (full time, part time and auxiliary) sworn police officers, 7 dispatchers, and 15 Campus Safety Officers (student employees).  All peace officers are commissioned by the State of Ohio.

In the event of an emergency on campus, it is important that you have set up your NIXLE account so you are able to receive alerts. This is our primary means of communication with the community during emergencies. With NIXLE, we are able to push alerts to you, no matter where you are at, whether on campus or not.

Other forms of communication the College will use as appropriate and available are email, website, phone intercom systems, admin radios (walkie talkies), and with the emergency fire intercom system.

When an emergency situation occurs, please contact Dispatch at 740-753-6598 immediately. In the event of an emergency on campus, it is important that you have set up your NIXLE account so you are able to receive alerts. This is our primary means of communication with the community during emergencies. With NIXLE, we are able to push alerts to you, no matter where you are at, whether on campus or not.

Other forms of communication the College will use as appropriate and available are email, website, phone intercom systems, admin radios (walkie talkies), and with the emergency fire intercom system.

In the event of a campus-wide emergency, both the Safety Committee and the Emergency Management Team will meet to go over the event.  Both groups will discuss what happened, response, and aftermath with the goal to improve. Your opinions and observations are vital to this process and we strongly encourage your participation in this process through involvement with the Safety Committee.

If you have a bicycle here on campus, or you park your bike on any Campus property, Hocking College Campus Safety urges you to register your bike so that it won't be mistaken as unclaimed, damaged or abandoned. Please click here to register your bike.

Contact Hocking College Campus Safety at 
740.753.6598 or with any questions.



  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Football


  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Flag Football
  • Softball
  • Volleyball


  • Archery
  • Cheerleading
  • Equestrian
  • e-Sports

If you are interested in being recruited, please visit the Hocking College Athletics website and then complete the form on the “Recruit Me” page

Entering your first year of competition in any sport, you must have a minimum GPA of 1.75 coming to Hocking College as a freshman. We expect all student-athletes to enroll in and pass a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA each semester

Entering your second year of competition in any sport, you must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 with at least 24 credit hours earned.

Yes, Hocking is the only two-year college in Ohio with residence halls.

No.  Hocking College competes in Division III of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Division III does not offer athletic scholarships. However, academic scholarships, grants, and financial aid are available.

Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. That's why we're here to help every step of the way.
Are you ready?